Dialogues Calendar

Covid-19 and the crossings in Cyprus
Tuesday 04 August 2020, 19:00
Hits : 1043

Two weeks ago UniteCyprusNow held the first in a series of regular fortnightly discussions over Zoom on various issues. We kicked off the sessions on the subject of the novel coronavirus and how it has affected us. The group was diverse, consisted of people from both communities and the discussion was high calibre, lively and interesting. At the end everyone felt keen on more such discussions and offered suggestions for the next one.

In view of the fact that one of the biggest and still ongoing effects the pandemic has had on us here in Cyprus was the closing of the crossing points, it was suggested that this should be the subject of the next meeting. Undoubtedly, the partial reopening of the crossing points accompanied by the stringent health requirements on both sides, has resulted in a reduction of contact between the two sides with the inevitable consequence of a rise in mistrust and prejudice.

Some people ask, has the closure been for the greater good? Has it been a necessary and positive protective measure for both sides as far as our health is concerned?

Or has it been the perfect excuse to reduce contact between the two sides without seeming to do so for political reasons?

Were there other ways to handle the situation whereby the fears of both sides could have been alleviated and given each the safeguards they needed from the virus without closing the checkpoints? Could there have been greater cooperation and was this a lost opportunity for bringing the two sides, faced with a common danger, closer together?

Join us on 4 August at 19:00 on Zoom for yet another high calibre and lively discussion on the Covid-19 virus and the crossing points.

Our discussion groups are a great opportunity to meet and discuss with people from all the communities of Cyprus and be part of the conversation. Not only can you join in, but you can be instrumental in proposing ideas for future session.

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