Dialogues Calendar

Online Discussion: Intercommunal Friendships
Friday 12 February 2021, 19:00 - 21:00
Hits : 981

intercommunal friendships dialogueDo bicommunal friendships exist in Cyprus? Did they exist in the past? How easy/difficult is it to have friends from the other community?

As a part of our Dialogue Groups project, we are bringing different groups in Cyprus together.

If you have always wanted to meet people from other communities of Cyprus, this is your chance! Join us and find out how many similarities or differences we have. If you know people that haven’t had the chance to interact with people from other communities in Cyprus, share this event with them.

There is a limited number of places so hurry up!

Please register by filling in this form.

Only registered participants will receive the Zoom link.
Can’t wait to see you all there!!!


Location Zoom meeting
